Reflection on Amal’s Totky for Growth Mindset

Awais Ghani
4 min readDec 25, 2020

“The mind is just like a muscle — the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand.”
Idowu Koyenikan,

In a fixed mindset, people believe their calibers are fixed traits so they can not change or improve it. People having fixed mindset demonstrate their talent and intelligence and they are not working on it to improve further. They also think only their talent leads to success, and we don’t need to work for it.

While on other hand in growth mindset people believe that they should bring changes in their qualities and way of treating people or working in particular organization or leading somewhere. They never demonstrate their talent and intelligence rather they work on it to improve even more.

Amal Totkay — has helped me in tickling things with growth mindset not the in traditional way (fixed mindset).

  • Self Talks - These are our internal talks. It can be our ideas, promises, thoughts, beliefs, questions etc. Sometimes we need to decide it with ourselves we no need to discuss things that are floating in the vast ocean of scary waves in our mind. We can talk to ourselves about ourselves, we are human we make mistakes, we can ruin anything but yeah we can make it better too. Self talk is the only way to make promises with ourselves that will make us better and strong.
  • Get out of your comfort zone — In order to achieve something big we must get out of the comfort zone. We have to change many bad habits which are not letting us to do something out of the box. We must sacrifice our wishes and desires which are making hindrance in the way of achieving our goals.
  • Create New Habits — Creating new habits can bring positive impact on someone’s life. Studying about habits of the great people who has contributed to the world, by adopting some positive habits from them can help us in improving ourselves till some extent. New adopted habits can change your complete direction but yeah it’s little hard to make it happen.
  • Ask people for help — Sometimes we become stuck, our mind stops working. We become completely idle, we must be in need of help we should ask people for help. There is no shame or dishonor in seeking for help. Doing something right by asking for help from others is far better than doing things by your own without asking for help in wrong way.
  • Fake it till you Make it — A way of building strong belief about yourself that I can. Feel it like I have it already. I have reached, I am almost there. A best way to overcome the messing mind and feel confident about something and pretend that I can. The more we make it fake the more we realize that yeah we can make it.

Reading those totkas, it has really helped me in setting my goals and achieving them. I was once a guy when I needed someone to push me harder. No one came, no one helped but then I joined Amal. I have learned so many things, so many tips and totkas.

I wish I could have joined it before, so I could have solved those tedious and messy math problems and circuits using all those tips and totkas. I am pretty sure by keeping these tips in mind, It would have been awakened me before one night of exam not like this taking nap on books!! (:

This picture is from third semester when we had to cover the whole syllabus in one night! :(

Thank You (:

