Eat that frog with a Pomodoro.

Awais Ghani
2 min readJan 1, 2021

I loved this way of tackling something. I used to do even university work with listening to songs in the background and Facebook on in another tab, this is where I could pick things in the right way. Since I was in search of such a way that could help me in doing things with focus and to learn/achieve something within a time.

So I used this Pomodoro technique in my coding just to see will it help me or not so I started my work also set a timer to 25 minutes. I usually get distracted by notifications of Facebook, Snapchat, and Whatsapp, so before starting work on the login page I changed the setting of my phone where I turned off the sound of all the social media apps that helped me in completing the login page within 25 minutes.

Before, when I started work on an app or something else those unnecessary breaks and eating while doing work have distracted me a lot even I never started the same thing again, because whenever I left something as it as and I return back I completely forgot that where I was or from where to start now.

After this result, I would love to use the “Pomodoro technique” everywhere.

